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Craig's Page

Craig and his Family

Craig is the eldest son of Dale Bartholomaus and Mary Couch Bartholomaus, grandson of William and Elsie Bartholomaus.

Craig grew up in Wilmette, north of Chicago. He is still a passionate Cubs fan, despite a lifetime of disappointment. Always a voracious reader as a kid, he majored in English and went on to graduate school. He earned his Ph.D. in English from the Univ. of Colorado in 1991. His specialties are nineteenth-century American literature (especially Melville) and African-American literature.

From Colorado, Craig moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where he still lives, in order to take a job as a professor of English at the Univ. of Missouri--Kansas City. While he loved teaching there, the more time went on the less interested he was in research and publication. In order to focus on teaching rather than research, he moved to Penn Valley Community College in Fall 1997. At Penn Valley, Craig teaches a number of English courses and oversees the student newspaper, Spectrum, an online only paper. Check it out. He has designed other websites at Penn Valley, and was among the first faculty to teach online courses, something he continues to do.

Craig's wife is Maureen, a lifelong resident of the St. Joseph-Kansas City area.

Sam was born in September 1996. He is an amazing boy who is a joy to be around. There are several pictures of him in the family photo gallery.

Bridget Kathleen XueXuan joined the family December 7, 2004. She was born in Anhui Province, People's Republic of China, where Maureen and Craig went to receive her. She had adjusted very well to life with her new family and adores her brother, Sam. There are pictures of her in the family photo gallery.

There are several other photo galleries to choose from as well.

Family Photo Gallery is mostly pictures of Sam and Bridget with various relatives.

Photos from Schooner Mistress, out of Camden, Maine. August 2002.

Photos in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, August 2002.

Photos in and around Camden, Maine.

A story about a Rustler's cabin in Colorado. There are pictures also; link to them from the story page or from here: Photos of a Rustler's cabin.

Rafting on the Green River in low water: photo gallery.

Native American Rock Art: photo gallery.

Dinosaur Area Landscapes: photo gallery.